Today, with the dawn, I gently dip my toe in the water.
After resisting the incoming tide for so long, I am finally tempted to plunge into this vast sea of words and images. Will my contributions remain adrift, bottled cyber jottings floating aimlessly, or will they wash up onto unknown shores? If so, will anyone take pleasure in finding them?
Time will tell.
Dear Wendy,
I am a novice quilter who came across one of your textile art works in a book called "master quilts". Your took your inspiration for the piece from the natural debris of stones, shells, leaves, wood that you found washed up on the shore of a beach. I find it one of the most beautiful pieces of textile art I have ever seen. I return to it often and it never fails to fascinate and inspire me.
Thank you Alison for your kind comment. What a happy coincidence. Yesterday when I was sorting my studio I actually came across the photographs which inspired that quilt! I'll scan a couple and post them in a jotting very soon.
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